Sort your EndNote Library by clicking on the appropriate field heading at the top of your reference list (e.g. Author, Year, Title or Journal) or, selectSort Library from the Tools menu.
Sorting and editing your EndNote references
Change how your references are displayed in the main library window - including removing or adding fields. Click on the Edit menu at the top of your EndNote Library, and then Preferences.
From the Preferences list:
Select Display Fields and then rearrange the columns to your liking - this may even include renaming a field, creating a custom field or choosing not to display columns.
There may also be the need to edit individual references (e.g. if there is a mistake with spelling or dates).
To edit individual references click on the reference and then use the preview panel to make any changes. If you wish to see the full version of the record, double click on the reference and this will open the whole page.