The library provides advice and assistance with publishing SA Health documents - from obtaining an ISBN to meeting legal deposit requirements. Our reference staff can also provide general advice on the issues to consider when deciding where to publish your research.
Publishing SA Health documents:
Publishing your research:
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique 13-digit number used to identify a specific version of a book or other written item. ISBNs are not mandatory, and do not provide copyright on a work, but they are very useful when it comes to accurate searching and identification of items.
If your SA Health publication is written for the public (for example, an annual report or strategic plan) it should have an ISBN allocated to it, and the ISBN should be included in the final published version.
However, most internal SA Health documents do not require an ISBN, even if they are publicly available on the website. For more information about whether your document needs an ISBN, please view the FAQ: When do I need an ISBN?
Obtaining an ISBN
To have an ISBN allocated to your publication, or to discuss whether you need an ISBN, please contact the library.
If you already know that your publication will need an ISBN, we recommend putting through your request when at the final draft stage, so that the allocated ISBN can be added prior to publication.
All print publications in South Australia must have copies lodged with various sites by law. When printing is complete, send seven copies of your document to the library and we will take care of the rest of the process. Send copies to:
Attn: Legal Deposit Team
Royal Adelaide Hospital Library
1 Port Road
Adelaide SA 5000
Or via courier to:
Attn: Legal Deposit Team
Royal Adelaide Hospital Library
DX 800
The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique code for the identification of serial publications. It can be used wherever information on serials needs to be recorded or communicated. The ISSN is the serials equivalent of the ISBN and is intended for reuse with each new issue.
Obtaining an ISSN
An application for an ISSN may be completed using the online application form from the National Library. Additional information about the use of the ISSN is also available on the National Library website.
A number of factors need to be taken into account when choosing where to publish your research.
Publisher integrity
Impact factors
Avoid predatory publishers
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provides a persistent digital identifier that individual researchers. An ORCID supports automated linkages between researchers and their professional work.
The EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network is an international initiative that seeks to improve the reliability and value of published health research literature by promoting transparent and accurate reporting and wider use of robust reporting guidelines
If you need further assistance in relation to publishing, whether you need help with finding literature or just have questions, contact the library.