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SA Medical Imaging

SA Medical Imaging Resources

This guide has been created by SA Health Library Service for SA Medical Imaging staff members.This website lists useful information resources for all SAMI staff, including access to STATdx and RADPrimer.

Access RADPrimer


Access RADPrimer, an educational platform with modules featuring case studies, reference images, and diagnosis solutions.

Setting up a RADPrimer Profile

To access the resource you will need to set up a RADPrimer Profile, which is a two step process:

  1. Email SA Health RADPrimer administrator Ashlee Murphy to obtain your unique Registration ID & Password 
  2. Redeem your Registration ID & Password to set up access to RADPrimer using a new or existing profile.

Once you have set up a new RADPrimer profile (or added RADPrimer access to an existing profile) you can use your email address and password to access the resource.

Access STATdx


Access STATdx, a comprehensive diagnostic support tool for radiologists.

User guides:
Training videos: