CADTH COVID-19Includes links to samples of search strings related to COVID-19 and a list of evidence-based grey literature related to COVID-19
Cancer AustraliaThis page provides a repository of research articles on a broad range of topics relating to cancer and COVID-19
Cochrane LibraryCochrane Reviews and related content from the Cochrane Library relating to the COVID-19 pandemic
Coronavirus COVID-19 Research DataThis resource list covers research and data sources in Australia and worldwide, including protein data, genomic data, dashboards, software and open research datasets. Compiled by CSIRO.
COVID-19 Evidence ReviewsAccess to new evidence reviews and reviews in progress compiled by the VA Evidence Synthesis Program (US Dept of Veterans Affairs)
COVID-evidenceA freely available, continuously updated database that aims to concentrate all available trial evidence on benefits and harms of interventions for SARS-CoV-2 infection
EPPI ManagerCOVID-19: living map of the evidence is an up-to-date map of current evidence partitioned into broad domains for easy exploration
WHO databaseWHO is gathering the latest international multilingual scientific findings and knowledge on COVID-19. The database is updated regularly from searches of bibliographic databases, hand searching, and the addition of other expert-referred scientific articles