R U OK? Day
Thursday 14 September, 2023
R U OK? Day is our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that any day is the day to ask, 'are you OK?' and support those struggling with life. This year’s theme is R U OK? At work
Cochrane library
Understanding the utility of “Talk-to-Me” an online suicide prevention program for Australian university students
These findings provide preliminary evidence of the efficacy of the “Talk-to-Me” program in supporting university students across Australia to increase their suicide-related knowledge and skills, general self-efficacy, and overall mental fitness. Suicide and life-threatening behavior 1 August 2023
Using electronic health record data to predict future self-harm or suicidal ideation in young people treated by child and youth mental health services
A prediction model with fair overall predictive power for currently non- self-harm or suicidal ideation (SHoSI) children was generated. Predicting persistence for SHoSI was more difficult. The electronic health records alone were not sufficient to discriminate at acceptable levels and may require adding unstructured data such as clinical notes. To optimally predict SHoSI models need to be tested and validated separately for those young people with varying degrees of risk. Suicide and life-threatening behavior 14 August 2023
Lifeline Crisis Chat: Coding form development and findings on chatters’ risk status and counselor behaviors
Crisis counselors are able to implement keystones of Lifeline's crisis intervention model over the medium of online chat. Additional efforts are needed to ensure that suicide risk is assessed on every chat. Suicide and life-threatening behavior 2 February 2022
Characteristics of suicide decedents with no federally funded mental health service contact in the 12 months before death in a population-based sample of Australians 45 years of age and over
For suicide prevention, middle-older aged adults may have less requirement for mental health intervention, and greater requirement for the development of complementary interventions focused on physical health and social issues, which are not necessarily best delivered by clinical mental health services. Suicide and life-threatening behavior 10 November 2022
Ambivalent toward life, ambivalent toward psychotherapy? An investigation of the helping alliance, motivation for treatment, and control expectancies in patients with suicidal ideation in inpatient psychotherapy
Patients reporting SI are a vulnerable group. Therapists could support them by addressing (potentially conflicting) motivations and control expectancies. Suicide and life-threatening behavior 27 April 2023
Engaging the agricultural community in the development of mental health interventions: a qualitative research study
Recruiting farmers into research studies is best done by meeting farmers where they are found, for example, farmers marts. Accessibility of content, tailoring to the farming community, and guided support are key to effective recruitment and retention. BMC psychiatry 5 June 2023
Suicide risk analysis and psycho-emotional risk factors using an artificial neural network system
Suicidal behavior among young people has become an increasingly relevant topic after the COVID-19 pandemic and constitutes a public health problem. This study aimed to examine the variables associated with suicide risk and determine their predictive capacity. The specific objectives were: (1) to analyze the relationship between suicide risk and model variables and (2) to design an artificial neural network (ANN) with predictive capacity for suicide risk. The sample comprised 337 youths aged 18–33 years. An ex post facto design was used. The results showed that emotional attention, followed by problem solving and perfectionism, were variables that contributed the most to the ANN’s predictive capacity. The ANN achieved a hit rate of 85.7%, which is much higher than chance, and with only 14.3% of incorrect cases. This study extracted relevant information on suicide risk and the related risk and protective factors via artificial intelligence. These data will be useful for diagnosis as well as for psycho-educational guidance and prevention. This study was one of the first to apply this innovative methodology based on an ANN design to study these variables. Healthcare 18 August 2023
Examination of proinflammatory activity as a moderator of the relation between momentary interpersonal stress and suicidal ideation
Interventions targeting perceptions of exclusion and increasing social support may be of benefit. However, findings require replication in larger samples, and thus must be interpreted with caution. Suicide and life-threatening behavior 14 August 2023
Risk factors of suicidal spectrum behaviors in adults and adolescents with attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder – a systematic review
This systematic review has documented that several demographic and clinical features are associated with an increased risk of suicidal spectrum behaviors (SSBs) in adolescents and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Notably, ADHD emerges as an independent risk factor for SSBs. This information ought to have clinical implications in terms of screening and suicide prevention strategies. Further longitudinal studies are needed to investigate the outcome of preventive strategies in individuals along the full spectrum of ADHD symptom severity. BMC psychiatry 21 August 2023
Five healthcare trajectories in the year before suicide and what they tell us about opportunities for prevention: a population level case series study
Although most suicide decedents made at least one healthcare contact in the year before death, contact frequency was overall very low. Given the characteristics of this group, useful access points for such intervention could be delivered through schools and workplaces, with a focus on alcohol and drug intervention alongside suicide awareness. eClinicalMedicine 18 August 2023
Predictors of suicide coping self-efficacy among youth presenting to a psychiatric emergency department
During the adolescent developmental period when suicidal thoughts and behaviors notably increase, study findings highlight potential malleable intervention targets, including parent-family connectedness, that may strengthen suicide coping self-efficacy. Suicide and life-threatening behavior 8 May 2023
Implicit identification with death detects and predicts short-term suicide risk among adolescents discharged from the emergency room
Along with conventional measures, Death–Suicide-Implicit Association Test (D/S-IAT) may be utilized to predict short-term suicide risk during post-ER discharge. Suicide and life-threatening behavior 21 March 2023
Demographic and psychosocial factors associated with recent suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among trans and gender diverse people in Australia
Urgent attention for suicide prevention is necessary for trans and gender diverse communities. These findings point to a range of risk and protective factors, which may help inform the targeting and design of suicide prevention strategies. Suicide and life-threatening behavior 14 February 2023
Interpersonal facilitators of complicated grief and depression in the aftermath of suicide loss: The mediated roles of suicide-related shame and guilt
The findings highlight the critical role of interpersonal factors in facilitating complicated grief (CG) and depression among Suicide-loss survivors (SLSs). Theoretical implications relating to healing processes are discussed, as well as focused clinical recommendations, including psychoeducational interventions for addressing interpersonal difficulties and suicide-related shame in the aftermath of suicide loss. Suicide and life-threatening behavior 13 July 2023
An empirical investigation of the distinction between passive and active ideation: Understanding the latent structure of suicidal thought content
These results suggest that passive and active ideation are two distinct constructs. Although they often co-occur, passive and active ideation are not nested constructs and should not be viewed as gradients of one underlying construct. The findings suggest that at a minimum both passive and active ideation should be included in all suicide risk assessments and screenings. Suicide and life-threatening behavior 12 December 2022
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