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Reusable Content for Website: Custom code

Placeholder for reusable content boxes on the website.

Remove unordered list discs

Code to remove discs from unordered lists


ul#s-lg-link-list-53233664 {

Located on:

  • Home page
  • Spotlight on... page

To use:

Add to the page's Guides Custom JS/CSS. Edit the link list IDs to reflect the lists that you don't want bullet pointed.


Code for chat out of order

Code to add to Chat Title/Welcome Message if chat broken


<br><br>Chat is currently experiencing technical issues.<br>For assistance please <a href="" target="_blank">email us</a> or talk to LibraryBot.

Located on:

  • Homepage chat widget

To action:

Chat widget autoloading as chatbot

  1. Go to LibChat > Chatbot
  2. Select LibraryBot and click the Edit Chatbot Flow icon
  3. Click on the Settings tab
  4. Next to 'Activate Chatbot When' select 'The Chat Widget Loads' from dropdown
  5. Click Save

Out of order message on chat widget

  1. Go to LibChat > Chat Widgets
  2. Click on the Edit Widget icon next to Homepage chat widget
  3. Click on the Look & Feel tab
  4. Copy and paste the above code into the end of the Chat Title/Welcome Message box
  5. (optional) Remove [LIVE] from the same box
  6. Wait for preview to confirm that you're happy with changes
  7. Click Save

Linked information logo for links

Code to add information icon with link


<span><a style="color: #222; text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank">&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-lg fa-info-circle pad-left-sm"></i></a></span>

Located on:

  • Home page

To reuse:

Replace URL with desired URL and paste into the Title field. Example below.

Alert banner

Code for CSS level alert banner


<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div style="width: 100%; max-width: 1170px; max-height: 150px; padding: 0; min-width: 390px; min-height: 50px; position: relative; margin: 0 auto;">

<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
<h4 class="alert-heading"> Global IT Issues</h4>
<p>The library is aware that there are currently issues affecting technology systems around the world. Some of the library's resources may have been affected.</br>See our <a href="" target="_blank" class="alert-link">Outages page</a> for suggestions during this event. <small>19/07 16:47</small></p>

To use as needed in the Look and Feel page.

To action:

  1. Go to LibGuides > Admin > Look & Feel (not Look & Feel Beta)
  2. Copy and paste the above code into the Page Header Display this HTML before the </header> tag.
  3. Edit code as needed to match current situation, including a link to a more information page (if needed).
  4. Click Save HTML.

Code to Show Guide Title

Code to Show Guide Title

(Overriding Look & Feel Code)


/* Override hide guide title */
  display: contents !important;

Located on:

  • Person and Family Centred Care subject guide draft

To action:

  1. Add code to the page's Custom JS/CSS.
  2. Remove the style tags if other CSS style coding is present.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Check that the page's title and description are visible (and appropriate) using the page preview. Edit as needed.